Johanna Dahm

Johanna Dahm
1947 , in Basel, CH

The research of Johanna Dahm can be perceived as a path that, starting from an area governed by extreme rationality, then set out towards a more intangible dimension, finally coming to immerse itself in the depth of the matter. From an initial interest in serial production, on the keynote of the democratisation of the jewel in the mid 70s, in the 80s the artist moved on to investigating the jewel as event, elaborating installations and works in which there is an extensive use of light, exploited to dematerialise the object and turn it into a visible but not tangible sign on the body. The latest phase of her work is characterised by the return to the material quality of the jewel, to its links with earth and fire. The Ashanti and Fast Ashanti series consist of works conceived through a personal elaboration of traditional casting techniques, where the a priori control becomes very limited, and the gold matter is charged with a vigorous physical sensuality.
The artist chosen by Giampaolo Babetto is Andi Gut

1948-1962 grew up in Cape Town, South Africa
1967-1972 ZHdK, Zürich University of the Arts, Dept. of Jewelry, CH (then:Kunstgewerbeschule Zürich)
1972 – 1973 Extended Studies in the USA
1974 – 1976 Business Partnership: “Schmuck 74”, designing and manufacturing jewelry out of Aluminium and Perspex in small series, Winterthur, CH
1984/ 82/74 National Grant for Applied Arts from the Swiss Federal Government
1978 Award from the ZHdK, Zürich University of the Arts, CH
1983 Grant for Fine Art from the Canton of Zürich, CH
1993 Commissioned by the airline SWISSAIR for all personnel badges and pilot “wings”
1997 Sabbatical leave in West Africa; Apprenticeship to the Asante king’s goldsmith in Ghana
2003/04 Sabbatical leave in Orissa, East India: research on the “Dokra” casting technique
2006/04/00/93/90/88/86 Professor at the Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts, Dept. of Jewelry, A
2008-1987 Teaching assignments: Royal College of Art, London; Bezalel Academy, Jerusalem, Israel;
Helwan University, Cairo; Universities: Aarau; Zürich; Göteborg;
Geneva; Basel and Düsseldorf
since 1990 Tenured Professor at Hochschule Pforzheim University, Germany, Dept. of Jewelry, (since 2005 on leave)
Lives and works in Zürich and Intragna, CH


MFAH, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Helen Drutt Collection, USA
Alice und Louis Koch Collection, Basel, CH
Royal College of Art, London, GB
Jewelrymuseum, Reuchlinhaus, Pforzheim, D
Design-Collection, Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich, CH
Neue Pinakothek, Munich, Spektrum collection, D
Museum of clock, watchmaking and enamel work, Geneva, CH
Collection Hotel Castell, Zuoz, CH ( Lichtinstallation)
Schweizerisches Landesmuseum, Zürich, CH
Die Neue Sammlung, Design in der Pinakothek, Münich, D
Angermuseum Erfurt, D
Swiss Federal Government, Bern, CH
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Justus Brinkmann
Gesellschaft, Hamburg, D
Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Köln, D
Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich, CH
Eidg.Technische Hochschule, Grafi k-Sammlung, Zürich, CH
Collection C. Vögele, “Moderne Kunst-Unsere Gegenwart”, Pfäffi kon, CH (Lightinstallation)
Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam, NL
Württembergisches Landesmuseum, Stuttgart, D
Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe, D
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL
Haags Gemeente Museum, Den Haag, NL
Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Lausanne, CH
Njordenfeldske Kunstindustrie Museum, Trondheim, N
Röhsska Museum, Göteborg, S
National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, JPN

“same same, but different – The Dokra Trail to rings”, J. Dahm, Niggli Publ. Sulgen Zürich, CH, 2008, g/e
“Lost and Found – The Asante trail to rings”, J. Dahm, Niggli Publ. Sulgen Zürich CH, 1999/2008, g/e
“Johanna Dahm, Lichterreigen / Spiegelbilder / Farbräume / Schmuck”, B. Schönfelder, Gallery H. Zaunschirm, Zollikon, 1996, CH, g
“Johanna Hess-Dahm,Schmuck/Jewellery”, P. Derrez, 1986, Galerie Ra, Amsterdam, NL, g/e
“The Compendium Finale of Contemporary Jewellers 2008”, Darling Publications 2009 Köln, D
“Ornament as art, avant-garde jewelery from the H.W. Drutt collection”, The Museum of Fine Arts Houston, USA, C. Strauss, 2007, e
“Choice“, Contemporary Jewellery from Germany”, E.Holder, 2005, Düsseldorf, D, g/e/j
“Pensieri Preziosi“, 2005, M. Cisotto, Comune di EDITION 2010 Padua, Italy, i/e
“Art Jewellery in Switzerland, 20th century”, F. X. Sturm, 2003, La Bibliothèque des Arts, Lausanne, CH, g/e/i/f
“20th Century Swiss Art Jewelry”, A. Riklin, Publ. VGS, CH, 1999, g/e
“Jewelry of our time, art, ornament and obsession”, H. Drutt, Thames & Hudson, London, 1995, GB, e
“Schmücken, the art of adornment”, Department of jewelry 1965-1995, University of applied sciences, Pforzheim, Arnoldsche Publ. D, 1995, g/e
“The New Jewelry, trends+traditions”, R. Turner / P. Dormer, Thames + Hudson, London, 1985/1994, e
“Swiss Biennale of Contemporary art Jewellery“, 1988, R.Hildebrando, Municipality of Lugano, CH, e/i

* = Solo exhibition / K = Catalogue

2009 *K “same same, but different”, Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim, D

K“Lingam“, Vita Havet, Konstfack, Stockholm K“same same, but different – The Dokra Trail to Rings”, Book launching and workshop, Museum Rietberg Zürich, CH
2008 *K “same same, but different”, Galerie Beatrice Lang, Bern, CH
K “JUST MUST”, The Great Guild House, Tallinn, Estonia
K, from hand to hand“, mudac, Musée de design et d’arts appliqués Lausanne, CH
„Erico Nagai, Mittlerin zwischen den Kulturen“, HWK München, D
K “Triennale Européenne du Bijou contemporain”, Mons, Belgien
2008/07 K “Ornament as Art: Avant-Garde Jewelry from the H.W. Drutt Collection”, Smithsonian
American Art Museum, Washington, D.C. / MFAH, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA
2008/07/05 “Collect”, V&A Museum, London, GB / Gallery Ra, Amsterdam
2007 K „Hnoss jubilée exhibition“, Röhsska Museum, Göteborg, S
2007/05 K “Choice“ Contemporary Jewellery from Germany, Villa Bengel, Idar Oberstein, D / Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim, D / CODA
Museum, Apeldoorn, NL / Museum of Arts and Crafts Itami, Japan
2007/06 K „Radiant“, 30 years Ra, Stedelijk Museum Roermond / Galerie Ra, Amsterdam, NL
2006 * „so und so geschmückt“, Galerie Pro Arte, mit Manfred Nisslmüller, Int. Sommerakademie Salzburg, Hallein, A
2006 * “ASHANTI + fast ASHANTI“, Gallery Tactile, Geneva, CH
2005 K “Pensieri Preziozi“, Oratoria di San Rocca, Padua, I / Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau, D
2004 * “Lost + Found”, Gallery Villa de Bondt, Gent, B * “fast ASHANTI“, Galerie im Traklhaus, Salzburg, A
2003/99/86/84/82/78/77 * (K) Galerie RA, Amsterdam, NL
2002 K “Experiment Schmuck”, 10 Jahre Erfurter Schmucksymposium, Erfurt / Schmuckmuseum im Reuchlinhaus, Pforzheim, D
K “Schweizer Schmuck im 20.Jh“, Museum d’Art et d’Histoire, Genf / Landesmuseum Zürich, Museo Vela, Ligornetto, CH
2002/01 K “Ornaments from there, ornaments from here“, Gewerbemuseum Winterthur / mudac, Musée de design et d’arts appliqués Lausanne, CH
2001 K“Swiss Made“, Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Köln, D / „gut in form“, Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich, CH
K “The art of the ring“, Mobilia Gallery, Cambridge Ma. USA, / SOFA, N.Y./ Wustum
Museum, Racine, Wisconsin / Colorado Springs Art Center / University of Texas, El Paso
Gallery hnoss, Göteborg, S Tokyo, Japan / Perth, Australia
K “gebaut geschaut“, Installation und Fotografi e 1975-2000, Seedam Kulturzentrum, Pfäffi kon, CH (Lightinstallation)
2000 K “Artists Jewellery in Contemporary Europe: A female perspective“, Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum, Athen, Greece
K “Ife, Akan und Benin, Gold und Bronzen aus Westafrika“, Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim im Reuchlinhaus, D

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