No Body Decoration
Lucca, Villa Bottini
September-October, 2006
Curator, Maria Cristina Bergesio
Coordinator, Giò Carbone
The exhibition highlights the evolution of the body-jewellery relationship in the field of artistic research and innovation, in contrast to the usual perception of jewellery as decoration or fashion accessory. In research jewellery, the human body acquires a fundamental role as a source of inspiration and a necessary completion of the creative process.
Compared with the other arts, jewellery has one peculiarity: its fi nal destination is the human body. The exhibition highlights the evolution of the body-jewellery relationship in the fi eld of artistic research and innovation, in contrast to the usual perception of jewellery as decoration or fashion accessory.
The human body acquires a fundamental role as a source of inspiration and a necessary completion of the creative process. It is not simply decorated, but is made to participate in an aesthetic transformation, itself becoming an exhibition space for works born out of experimentation.
Wearing a piece of artistic jewellery requires the awareness that one is using one’s own body as a tool for non-verbal communication. The ornament becomes a dual sign, both of the creative universe of the person who made it and, simultaneously, of the personality of the person who has decided to wear it.
Research jewellery is the expression of a Weltanschauung, an outlook on life, just as paintings, sculpture and architecture can be. “The painter uses the canvas as a means of expressing his ideas; jewellery is exactly the same for me” (Gijs Bakker, Zeichen am Körper, 1987).
Friedrich Becker
Frédéric Braham
David Watkins
Marjorie Schick
Christoph Zellweger
Gijs Bakker
Noam Ben–Jacov
Gerd Rothmann
Bruno Martinazzi
Naomi Filmer
Ruudt Peters
- 22nd September to 22nd October, 2006
- 22nd September
- 23rd September
- 24th September
- 25th September to 22nd October
Opening cerimony:
Villa Bottini, Lucca
22nd September, at 4 p.m.
Visit hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., closed on Monday.
Meeting with the partecipant artists,
Villa Bottini
Official opening of “Le Arti Orafe” Lucca’s branch,with musical intervention of Nicola Beller Carbone, sopran.
Via S. Andrea 33
Meeting with the partecipant artists,
Villa Bottini
Workshops, conferences, meetings on contemporary jewellery at Le Arti Orafe Academy”, Lucca.
Beyond Body Decoration.
Jewellery from Ganjam’s Heritage collection
Lucca Preziosa 2006 again intends to expand the scenario, both geographically and culturally, by hosting a selection of 19th-century Indian jewellery from the Heritage collection of the prestigious Indian company Ganjam.
Long necklaces, head ornaments linked to marriage rituals, forearm bracelets, belts…: these objects of great importance are witness to the technical ability and craftsmanship of their creators, and highlight the central role that jewellery had and continues to have in Indian society.
An integral part of daily life, worn by women, men and children, jewellery has a position beyond purely aesthetic gratification: in its forms, in the motifs portrayed and in the act of wearing on the body, it represents the essence of Indian spirituality, sending clear messages via a codified series of legible signs.
Jewellery is recognized as having the power to maintain body and mind in equilibrium and harmony; its forms are designed to be worn on all the joints and pressure points so as to stimulate the flow of vital energy. The human body takes on absolute relevance: in both the contemporary research works and the creations from Indian tradition, we see the semiotic complexity of jewellery, which refuses to be reduced to pure ornamental accessory and highlights aspects linked to the decision to “adorn”, to clothe one’s own body – one’s own ego – and display it to the world
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The event is organised by
Main sponsor
With the support of
Giò Carbone
Fulvio Carbone
Anna Balatti
Maria Cristina Bergesio
Musei degli Argenti;
Università degli studi di Firenze;
Sovrintendenza Museale di Firenze;
Sovrintendenza BAPPSAE di Lucca e Carrara;
CIBJO (Confederazione internazionale produttori orafi)
Layout Exhibition:
Mauro Vegliante, ARKSIGN
Layout: Mostre & Mostre, Lucca